As froggy went courting has grown over the years we have found it increasingly difficult to source certain original items especially braces and caps so it was a natural progression to start making our own.
Custom made caps
Our caps are completely handmade here in Cragg Vale using templates cut from original period caps from the 1930s and 40s. We use original fabrics when possible or quality pure wool tweed, suiting and cottons.
All lined with military twill viscose in various colours to match the cloth. Just like the original suits and caps would have been made with.
We have two patterns we work with which we have made ourselves. We unpicked and opened up two original, period caps and cut a new pattern template to work with for both the 5 dart and the three darted one piece cap.
Custom-made braces
We tried a few companies to produce our braces and eventually managed to find a British manufacturers with a long heritage using original machinery in production. Their products have hardly changed so it was the perfect choice for us. We chose our own leather and elastic colours and patterns and now have a selection of our own custom made braces.